Ideal supplier of annular cutter and CNC cutting oil

Published Date: 18-09-2023

When drilling holes in metal, an annular cutter (also known as a core drill, core cutter, broach cutter, trepanning drill, hole saw, or cup-type cutter) is employed. Named for its ringlike profile, an annular cutter supplier in Dubai is the best dealer of tools.

When compared to spiral drill bits and regular hole saws, annular cutters are more expensive but more effective options. Despite looking like a hole saw, an annular cutter is made of a different shape and substance.

High-speed steel (HSS) and tungsten carbide-tipped (TCT) are the two most popular options. A drill press or magnetic drilling machine is ideal for using an annular cutter because of the stability it provides against the high torque forces generated by the drill bit.


Unlike an annular cutter, which merely removes material from the hole's rim, this method completely hollows out the target area. Some estimates place the speed of an annular cutter at three to four times that of a standard drill bit.

Conserving Energy

Drilling using an annular cutter uses less thrust and hence less energy because it does not have to drill or cut through the entire workpiece.

Metalworking lubricant is formulated for use in metalworking operations.

·  Coolant and lubricant in one, cutting fluid are used in metalworking operations including machining and stamping. Cutting fluids come in a wide range of forms, from oils and oil-water emulsions to pastes, gels, aerosols (mists), and even air or other gases. If you want perfect lubricant then AATCO is the best CNC cutting oil supplier in Dubai .

·  Petroleum distillates, animal fats, vegetable oils, water and air, and other components are used in the production of cutting fluids. Cutting fluid, cutting oil, cutting compound, coolant, or lubricant are all names for the same thing that can be used in different situations and for different types of cutting fluid.

·  When dealing with tight tolerances, a good cutting fluid should be able to do the following:

  1.    Maintain a constant temperature for the workpiece. Very warm is fine, but severe heat or sudden temperature changes are to be avoided.
  2.    By lubricating the working edge and decreasing tip welding, you can extend the life of the cutting tip.
  3.    Protect workers from exposure to toxins, bacteria, and fungi, and the environment from improper disposal.
  4.    Protect cutters and other metal machine parts from rusting.